Thursday, July 3, 2014

Miss Minnesota

Even though this post is LONG over due, I thought I should still write about my amazing week at Miss Minnesota. I posted after the first day, but the rest of the week I was way too exhausted to even think about opening my computer. So, I'll start with Monday!

Monday we started the morning out at Gillette Children's Hospital. I was so excited for this appearance and it did not let me down! After our breakfast, we heard one of the family's story and their experience with Gillette and then went on a tour. The technology that is being used today on the patients is incredible. We were able to see some of the braces they make and the different patterns kids can pick out to have on their braces. We even got to see plastic taken out of the oven and put on a mold to cool! That child had chosen frogs (: After Gillette we headed back for some opening number rehearsal and then some relaxation time. I had a blast at the Saints game that evening! They even won which made it even better! I also ran into my friend and fellow queen, Katie Bull!! AH! It was sooooo good to see you! 

Tuesday started with packing and loading the bus to go to the Performing Arts Center. To say that I was stressed is an understatement. I COULDN'T FIND MY SWIMSUIT ANYWHERE! I checked every suitcase about 20 times. My poor roommate, Ashley, was worried I thought she took it! Hahahaha! After searching forever and still not finding it, I regretfully had to call my mom who sent up a hundred swimsuits with my directors! What a mess! We headed over to the VA Hospital after packing up. Having military members close my heart, I knew that this was going to be a fun time. I bounced around to different people hearing all their stories. One man I chatted with had served in Korea. It was fun to hear about his experiences and see his eyes light up when I talked about mine. After rehearsal, we went to Open Arms. Open Arms is an organization that makes and packs meals for those who are unable to and who have life-threatening diseases. I was on salad duty with Bailey Wachholz (Miss Brainerd Lakes), Ashley Laine (Miss Frazee), and Cassey Hickman (Miss Morris). We were probably the loudest group in the place. We didn't get as many done that we were supposed to, but we had fun doing it! 

Wednesday came very quick. I had my talent rehearsal at 10:45 and my interview at 3:00. I was so excited to see my directors! My talent rehearsal went perfect and I felt very confident with my interview. With hours and hours of waiting time backstage, we had to find some way to entertain ourselves. Our dressing room, the "nudity community", found entertainment in playing Heads Up. I had never heard of it before, but man did it create some laughs! On Wednesday prelims, I competed in lifestyle and fitness and evening gown. After trying on swimsuits with my directors after talent rehearsal, I finally found one that would do! I felt so confident on stage and knew I did the best I could have done! After prelims, I don't think have I changed so fast in my life. I was so ready to see my family! I went back to the hotel that night feeling accomplished! 

Thursday was my favorite appearance all week. We were able to visit the Minnesota Autism Center School. I LOVED IT! I even asked if you had to have a special ed license to work there (you don't!) Those kids are so fun! I didn't want to leave! One little girl drew a picture of me in my crown and sash. It is now hanging on my wall. Thursday afternoon I got to see my little princess Addie! She is a sassy one, but seeing her excitement on stage made me so happy! I competed in talent and on stage question that evening! I felt pretty good about my question and my talent wasn't as good as I had hoped, but I knew that there was nothing I could do after the fact! 

Friday morning we had a princess party with the Northern Lights Princesses. Addie and I had a blast decorating her crown box, making a wand, and dancing together. There is no other little girl I would have rather had! Our chaperones were so gracious as to let us have some down time after that. Ashley and I went back to our room and crashed. Well she did…I had fun snap chatting pictures of her (: Besides Sunday, Ashley and I did really well being on time to places….and then Friday night happened. We were casually getting ready for the Gala. Our schedule said to be down at 5:00. We went down at 4:50 and NO ONE WAS THERE! We nervously looked around and were confused. Were we early? I texted Bailey and of course, no response when I need it (ahem!!!) So I checked the schedule on my phone and it said we were meeting at 4:45! We had the wrong schedule and missed the bus! Thankfully, only about 10 minutes had passed when Kathy and Sarah Yeh came down to the lobby. As we told our sob story, they offered to give us a ride over! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Ashley and I may have arrived late, but we looked DANG good! The gala was a blast. My feet hurt at the end of the night and I was ready for bed when Bailey called and told us to come over. What started as a dance party turned into a heart to heart until 4AM. I LOVE MY SISTERS. Although we were exhausted, I don't regret it at all. 

Saturday was a low key morning of waking up later, packing, and going to the school. More Heads Up was played and more giggles were had. I went into Saturday night very calm. I knew that I had done my best and I was okay with whatever the results were. My name wasn't called in the Top 11 and I was okay with that. I had had the best week and the scores didn't matter. t went backstage excited for my sisters who did make it! They worked just as hard as I had and deserved it. Congratulations to Savannah on being Miss Minnesota 2014! 

If you can't tell from all my details above, I truly had the best week. I already missed my roommate so much that I had to drive 5 hours to see her! I am missing all of the girls so so much. When you are with 24 other girls for a week, being by yourself is really quiet. 

For the rest of the summer, I'll be gallivanting around the greater Waseca area doing my thing! 
