Sunday, August 18, 2013

MN Special Olympics Fall Games

Today I was lucky enough to make an appearance at the MN Special Olympics Fall Games in Woodbury. Sadie and I made the trek and got to meet some amazing athletes. They made us feel so special and it was so fun to meet all of them. We even ran into the Waseca Thunder team! I was taken by surprise when Sadie and I were constantly taking pictures and signing autographs. They made me feel like a true celebrity. Sadie, Miss Minneapolis, and I had the honor of handing out medals as well! The smiles of the athletes were infectious. What a fun day!
Miss Minneapolis, Sadie, and I with an athlete from Mankato Leep!
This past week I was asked to work at Waseca SnoBiz at the Steele County Fair! Lexi, the owners' daughter asked me if I would wear my crown the next day. Since she is the boss, I had to agree! She helped me put it on the next day and was such a good helper getting change and pouring flavor on the shaved ice! 

Also, a huge shout out to my best friend and official chaperon, Joey Helms on his 19th birthday! 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Planning the Year

Today was the first meeting with my wonderful directors Jen and Christy! We talked about how I wanted to prep for Miss MN, watched my interview (gah!), and talked DRESSES!!! I cannot contain my excitement for this year! I can already tell how incredible it is going to be!! (Sorry for my over use of exclamation marks...I just can't wait!) We brainstormed so many ideas from my original idea of taking groups to pack meals with my partners at Feed My Starving Children to Meals on Wheels, different food drive ideas, AND a super awesome fundraiser for FMSC. My beautiful sister queen, Lauren, was there too! I am so excited to get to know her better. She is such a sweet girl that I know will be an amazing friend. Can you tell I'm excited?!?!?! Love you all!

Katie Schroeder

Friday, August 9, 2013

Miracle Treat Day

Yesterday was fun filled at Dairy Queen for Miracle Treat Day! I started my afternoon at the Dairy Queen in Janesville. It was a slow afternoon, but I got to hand out little toys to all the children who came to support the Children's Miracle Network and thank all the old men who stopped by to "see the royalty". The past titleholders warned us about those guys...but the rain held off for it so I would say it was a successful afternoon!

Last night, my baby sister queen, Sadie and I went to the Waseca Dairy Queen to support Miracle Treat Day! When I showed up, I was so excited to see two of the greatest friends ever (and one was a former titleholder!) Rachel and Jacob! (No...Jacob was not the was Rachel). It was so fun to see them and talk a little bit before I had to do my job...Riley decided to hop into a picture with us too!
It was fun to talk to many familiar faces at DQ and see so many people come to support the Children's Miracle Network! Sadie and I also found out that we had some fans that were there..
 These little girls were so excited and it just melted my heart! I remember being their age and wishing that I could be just like Miss Waseca when I was older! I guess they were good role models for me!

Katie Schroeder

Brunch with Miss MN and Corrina's Send Off

Sunday was a busy day considering how tired we all were! The day started with brunch at Starfire with Miss Minnesota! (and our lovely waitress was none other than Abby Schaper!) It was a fun few hours getting to know Rebecca and all of the other titleholders a little better!

After brunch, we headed up to Prior Lake for Corrina Swiggum's, Miss MNOT, send off to Miss America OT. The whole car ride up Lauren, Alyssa, Sadie, and I were struggling to keep our eyes open! When we arrived, you could tell we were all newbies trying to put our crowns on. Rebecca was in the front seat and out of the car in 20 seconds and the rest of us were giggling looking at each other's crooked crowns and knocking them on the ceiling of the car. 15 minutes later, we were ready to go inside. Corrina looked absolutely beautiful in all of her dresses for MAOT and her talent kicked butt (it literally could have kicked someone's butt). I was acquainted with so many new faces in the pageant world it was a bit overwhelming, but such a good experience. It makes me so excited for this year!

My lovely sister queen Lauren and I at Corrina's send off!

Katie Schroeder

Pageant Night

What a whirl wind! It has taken me almost a whole week to find time...and figure out how to create a blog (oops). I am so incredibly grateful for all the help I received from the 2012 titleholders, Tiffany, Corrina, Anna, and especially Drew! Anna asked me the other day if I was still shaking...even though the shakes are no longer, I still cannot believe that I am Miss WCSC!

The day of the pageant, I started out in a panic because I thought I was late for my interview! I rolled in 5 minutes early and they hadn't even started yet. Phew! As I was in the hallway waiting to go in, Drew asked if I was nervous. I replied that I was doing okay. I felt more confident after my second mock, but it was still nerve wracking. The thing that helped me the absolute most through the rest of the day though was the thing that Drew said next. She told me that there was no need to be nervous because God already knew who was going to win, so if I didn't, it just meant that He had something better for me. That stuck in my head the whole night and made me feel so much better. The opening number was a breeze and so much fun. Dancing has always been a passion of mine so I just got to have fun with it. The worst part was next thought, ON STAGE QUESTION. (EW!) I couldn't stop thinking of Miss Utah USA and hoping I wouldn't say anything like that. But I did it and I didn't pass out! The only thing I had to think about for swimsuit was keeping my shoulders back and looking at the judges (not the white strip between the balcony and the main level..) Talent was next and I was feeling pretty confident. Tiffany was such a saint during dress rehearsal giving me pointers and where to do lifts and how to improve! I think I practiced AT LEAST 100 times between dress rehearsal and the pageant. I know I have awful posture, so that was an issue for my evening gown. A contestant for Miss SC had a dress made of similar fabric to mine and she had competed before. She and about 5 other people told me to concentrate everything on putting my shoulders back. I guess I looked okay! When my name was called I had no idea how to act! I wanted to smile and cry and scream all at the same time! The worst part was squatting when Drew was crowning me (ouchie). I am so incredibly blessed to have this opportunity and to spread my passion for a solution to global hunger! Thank you to an amazing committee and the great group of girls I spent my week with! And a huge shout out to all my sister queens, Lauren, Sadie, and Alyssa! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS YEAR!!!!
Katie Schroeder
(PS That's a Gossip Girl reference)