Monday, December 9, 2013

Nearing the end of the semester

As the end of the semester draws near, I find myself extremely busy with Student Activities, homework, and being a queen. But somehow I manage to do everything without losing my mind! And thank goodness for that! 

Sadie, Alyssa, and I went to see the new Miss Coon Rapids and Miss Coon Rapids Outstanding Teens be crowned! Congratulations Kayla and Brianna! It was so nice to finally meet some of the other Miss MN contestants as well! 
 I would say we're a pretty good looking group!

 Thanksgiving day I had the amazing opportunity to serve those in our community who have no where to go for a meal! (Shout out to Molly Kopischke for giving me this opportunity!) I met some great people and had a wonderful time creating smiles for being in my own community! 

Last Friday the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train came to Waseca! Alyssa, Lauren, and I handed out paper bags to people in Waseca to fill with non perishable food items and bring to the train earlier in the week! Even though it was a cold night (windchill of -13!) so many wonderful citizens of Waseca showed up to support the food shelf and see the train! I also got to see smiles from those who came when I gave them some hot cocoa to sip on while listening to the performance from the band on the train! :) What a fun experience!
Freezing our tooshes off for a good cause!


Saturday was the Holiday Extravaganza in Waseca! We raised over $1300 for Children's Miracle Network and our pageant fund!!!! Sadie, Alyssa, and I went around town to sell poinsettias to local businesses earlier which brought in a huge profit for us! There were also 30 vendors at our extravaganza that helped support our fund. Miss MN 2013 and Miss MNOT 2013 came to perform for us during the day too! (Even though Corrina couldn't do her karate routine, her singing was still beautiful!) We had our pictures with Santa and performed our talents for everyone. My personal accomplishment for the day was getting Rylee to get her picture with Santa. I EVEN GOT HER TO HUG HIM! I was so excited! 

Tomorrow I take off for Fort Benning, GA to see my best friend and boyfriend graduate from his basic training and AIT! I could not be more excited to see him and experience some warmer weather! (It's supposed to be in the 60s!) But, with missing a whole week of school, comes lots of homework. Especially the week before finals :( 

I love you all! 
